He called himself the worst kid in Australia…

Message from foster carer Joanne…
J is a child with multiple diagnoses and trauma. He loved school but, unfortunately, was expelled in grade 3. He felt rejected by the world and fell into a dark place. It was not possible for him to attend school. He was placed on a medical exemption for 12 months. No schoolwork was provided.

Thankfully Little Stars Kids accepted him into their program. He was delighted to receive their welcome pack.

The tutors had a hard job. He called himself the worst kid in Australia. There was work avoidance, meltdowns, etc. Picking up a pencil often triggered him. They had to gain trust and be creative in their approaches to engage him. This meant using play and focusing learning around his interests.

J’s reading significantly improved. He would ask for books that I thought were too advanced but he could read them. They introduced him to new topics which he found fascinating. He found the confidence to attempt work. This was huge. Previously if he didn’t know an answer he would punch himself in the face.

His tutors showed him he is capable. Their positive energy and belief in him helped change his opinion of himself and prepared him to return to school. He is now in grade 6 through distance education with passing grades. His Little Stars tutor is there every week to encourage and assist him with schoolwork. His teachers have noticed improvements too.

*This photo is a stock photo to preserve the privacy of our children in foster and kinship care.

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